Plastic Toast Crate
Hygenic Plastic Toast Crate
StackingPlastic Toast Crate

Plastic Toast Crate

Used for storing and transporting fresh breads and pastries to allow proper ventilation and keep the product fresh. Specially designed, with perforated walls and base, stackable small Plastic Toast Crate container, narrow side closing handle for easy handling, smooth surface, all side tabs and tag holders.


Used for storing and transporting fresh breads and pastries to allow proper ventilation and keep the product fresh. Specially designed, with perforated walls and base, stackable small Plastic Toast Crate container, narrow side closing handle for easy handling, smooth surface, all side tabs and tag holders.



 1.Nestable design helps to save 1/2 space when not in use. And for return journeys if used for transportation 

2.With handle design on both sides 

3.Ventilated sides provides good air movement for contents if required 

4. The side can be hot printed with the customer's name and logo and screen printing is no problem 

5. Polypropylene material, long service life, suitable for a variety of industries. 

Bread plastic crates are used for picking, processing and transporting small fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries or asparagus. Available in a variety of sizes and styles

ENLIGHTENING PALLET is an experienced plastic toast crate supplier among those world famous plastic toast crate manufacturers, who can offer you hot sale and cheap plastic toast crate wholesale service. Welcome to order our products at low price with our factory.

人気ラベル: plastic toast crate manufacturers, factory, wholesale, cheap, price, hot sale

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